In 2002, while Trading Spaces was in it’s2nd season, and really starting to take off, I was sent by Banyan Productions to LA to study how the Show organized their Carpentry World, so I could bring back the info and use it to design Trading Spaces Boys Vs. Girls. It was an amazing experience learning from the godfather of Behind- the -Scenes Carpenters, Fast Eddie, and Ty Pennington, Genevieve Gorder, Frank Bilek, Paige Davis, and all the Producers. That began a seat of the pants ride all over the country working with both shows and Trading Spaces Family, setting up Carpentry World in the dessert, on beaches, on rooftops, outside a Scottish Castle, in a gymnasium, and 100’s of other locations. The exciting thing about Trading Spaces classic was how willing everyone was to be spontaneously creative and collaborative. We would think up weird furniture on Hotel Bar napkins, and be installing it 48 hrs. later. The Designers and Carpenters were truly having fun, and a pleasure to work with.
Client: TLC Channel
Production Company: Banyan Productions
Host: Paige Davis
Designers: Doug Wilson, Hildi Santo-Thomas, Laurie Smith, Genevieve Gorder, Edward Walker, Christie Proctor, Frank Bielec, Vern Yip, Laura Day, GoilAmornvivat, Kia Steave Dickerson, Jon Laymon, Barry Wood, Lauren Makk
Carpenters: Ty Pennington, Amy Wynn, Faber Dewar, Carter Osterhouse, Brandon Russel, Amy Devers
Behind the Scenes Carpenters: Eddie Barnard, Christopher Jones,SteveYutsey-Burkey
Carpenters Assistants: Tony Troverello,StuProbst
Amy Wynn
Andrew Dan Jumbo
Andrew Dan Jumbo's Music Room
Barnwood Cabinet Closed
Barnwood Cabinet Open
Carter's Built-ins Santa Cruz
Cast and Crew in Milwalkie
Cast and Crew
Doug Wilson
Doug's Wilmington DE Living Room before
Doug's Wilmington DE Living Room final
Edward Walker
Edward's Mod Austin Shelving
Edward's Mod Screen
Edward's San Francisco Lighted Shelving open
Faber Dewar
Faber's Desk-Headboard
Faber's Santa Fe Dresser
Fast Eddie
Fishtank Passthrough
Genevieve's Shelving
Halfpipe Dresser Before
Halfpipe dresser finished
Hildi Santo-Thomas
Hildi's Austin Temple 2
Hildi's Austin Temple
Hildi's rotating bed detail
Hildi's rotating bed inside
Hildi's Rotating Bed
Hildi's Upside down Room 2
Hildi's Upside down Room
in the castle Scotland
Kia's Coboy TV stand
Large Mod shelving with Paige
Large Mod shelving
Laura Day's Manhatten Room
Laurie Smith
Laurie's Hartford CT bedroom
Laurie's Wilwood NJ bedroom
Medieval Bed
Mod Coffee Table
Paige Davis
Phoenix Skateboard Desk detail
Phoenix Skateboard Desk during
Phoenix Skateboard Desk finished
Small Mod shelving
Ty Pennington
Ty's large Japanese shelving
Wine barrel Side table