One Year after Trading Spaces started, and became an overnight success, NBC approached Banyan about doing a kids version of the show, with much bigger budgets and heavily designed theme rooms. Banyan hired me early in pre- production to get the construction part of the show started. Using Trading Spaces Classic as a model, but enlarging and diversifying everything, I treated it like movie, and got a 24 ft. truck to build out like a full- on Art Department prop and set building mobile shop. The entire interior of the truck was skinned with ¾ ply and we built shelves and electrified rolling carts to act as mobile workbenches and tool storage. There would be one large mobile shop under tents in one of the houses’ driveways, and a smaller satellite shop at the other house, with “Taco” carts filled with hand tools and art supplies at each house. This allowed us to build everything onsite, and scenic paint and install it in the 48hr time period. It was a massive amount of work to get done in 2 days, but these rooms, to this day, remain some of the most amazing, satisfying “sets” I’ve ever worked on.
Client: NBC/ Discovery Kids
Production Company: Banyan Productions
Executive Producer: Karen Solomon
Designer: Scott Sicari
Designer: Jordin Ruderman
Host: Diane Mizota
On Camera Carpenter: Ginene Licata
On Camera Carpenter: Bart Shadlow
Behind the Scenes Carpenter: Christopher Jones
Behind the Scenes Carpenter’s Assist: Jaime Weiss, Steve Yutsy-Burkey
Scenic Shop: Brendan Kilroy and Erector Sets
50's Diner Bedroom 1
50's Diner Bedroom 2
Arabian Room before
Arabian Room final
Baseball Room after
Baseball Room final
Basketball Room before
Basketball Room after
Boardwalk Room
Broadway Room
Hideout Room before
Hideout Room after
Hippy Room
Horselovers Room before
Horselovers Room after
Ice Hockey Room 1
Ice Hockey Room 2
Indian Palace
Island Room 1
Island Room 2
Japanese Room before
Japanese Room after
Pirate Room
Rock n Roll room
Rock n Roll room 2
Southbeach 1
Southbeach 2
Spaceship Room
Banana Rocker 2
Banana Rocker 3
Banana Rocker plan
Banana Rocker, Mondrian Bed open
Castle Wall before
Castle Wall mid rotation
Castle Wall Throne side
Castle Wall TV side
Chinese TV Foodbox closed
Chinese TV Foodbox open
Chinese TV Foodbox plan
Dream Room during 1
Dream Room during 2
Dream Room finished wall
Egypt room 2
Egypt room throne
Egypt Room w Stone stools
Hanging Garden Bed
Japanese Bed mid comp 1
Japanese Bed mid comp 2
Japanese Bed w Koi pond After
Jester Stool during
Jester Stool finished
mondrian bed plan
Plexi Bed, Desk in Furure Room
Secret Garden collumn open
Secret Garden Swing after
Secret Garden Swing before
Time Machine Bunkbed
TSBvG Castle Mantle
TSBvG Time Machine Bunkbed copy
Underwater Room 1 Before
Underwater Room After
Underwater Room Aquarium 2
Underwater Room Boat Detail
Underwater Room boat plan
Underwater Room Boat
Classroom Before
Classroom After
Jazz Room Before
Jazz Room After
Mexican Room Before
Mexican Room After
Newsroom Before
Newsroom After
Petlovers Room Before
Petslovers Room After
Recording Studio Before
Recording Studio After
Rollercoaster Shelving Unit
Sorcery Room Before
Sorcery Room After
Spy Lounge Before
Spy Lounge After
Tennis Room Before
Tennis Room After
Wild West Room Before
Wild West Room After
Camping Room TV Bear
Circus Room
Crimelab Room bed closed
Crimelab Room bed opening
DiscoMoon after
DiscoMoon during
Dream Disco Room
Hamster Room 1
Hamster Room 2
Mars Room
Mars Rover Bed
Miniature Golf Desk
Superhero Desk
Superhero Room 1
Superhero Room 2
Bart Shadlow
Carpentry World at night
Carpentry World
Chris Jones
Designers Scott Sicari and Jordin Ruderman
Diane Mizota
Ginene Licata
Jaime Weiss
Steve Yutzy Burkey